Press ALT+F1 (Company Info) key from Gateway of Tally to get Company Info screen.
This is Company Info Screen.
Select Create Company by pressing C or using down arrow and press enter key.
(When you press enter following screen will display)
1. Directory (It shows by default data directory of tally. Where your company will create).
Note You can change its location of data directory of tally.
For Change Directory location
First copy the location where you want to save company. For copy location go to address bar right click on "address bar" and select "copy address".
Paste in "Directory" by using "CTRL+ALT+V" key from keyboard.
2. Fill the details like Name of the company, address,email etc.
Name Give the company Name.
Primari Mailing Details
Mailing Name (May be Same as company Name)
Address Write the Company address where your company is situated.
Country. Give the Country Name Where your company is situated.
State Write the State Name
Pin Code Give the company's location pin code.(Example 110084)
Contact Details
Phone No. (Example 011-458754)
Mobile No - Write ten digit Mobile Number.
E Mail - Write the company Email id of the Company.
Website - Write the company Website.
Book and Financial Year Details
Financial year beginning from - (In India Financial year Starts from 1 April to 31 March of the following Year)
Book Beginning From - Write the (Day Month Year) From which Your Company Start.
Security Control
Tally vault password - This is used to security purpose. It will secure the database of company.
Vault password convert the company name into (*********) mark. Give the password (Password should contain at least One Alphabet One Number One Special character.)
Repeat password - Write Same as Tally vault password.
Base Currency Information
You can change option by selection Yes / No.
Base currency symbol - This will automatic change according to your selection of Country.
Formal Name - It will show the Name of the Currency.
Suffix symbol to amount - If you want to any amount as suffix you will change this option to Yes.
Add space between amount and symbol - This option is used to give space between amount and symbol.
Show amount in millions - This option is used to show amount in million.
Number of decimal places - It's shows how many digit will appear after amount. (2 denotes two digits.)
Word representing amount after decimal - What word should be shows after decimal. Write the word.
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